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In this work the connection established in [7, 8] between a model of two linked polymers rings with fixed Gaussian linking number forming a 4-plat and the statistical mechanics of non-relativistic anyon particles is explored. The excluded volume interactions have been switched off and only the interactions of entropic origin arising from the topological constraints are considered. An interpretation from the polymer point of view of the field equations that minimize the energy of the model in the limit in which one of the spatial dimensions of the 4-plat becomes very large is provided. It is shown that the self-dual contributions are responsible for the long-range interactions that are necessary for preserving the global topological properties of the system during the thermal fluctuations. The non self-dual part is also related to the topological constraints, and takes into account the local interactions acting on the monomers in order to prevent the breaking of the polymer lines. It turns out that the energy landscape of the two linked rings is quite complex. Assuming as a rough approximation that the monomer densities of half of the 4-plat are constant, at least two points of energy minimum are found. Classes of non-trivial self-dual solutions of the self-dual field equations are derived. … .



编辑整理: wanghaisheng 更新日期:2023 年 11 月 6 日