title: The regularity of ODEs and thimble integrals with respect to Borel summation

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Veronica Fantini et.al.

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Through Borel summation, one can often reconstruct an analytic solution of a problem from its asymptotic expansion. We view the effectiveness of Borel summation as a regularity property of the solution, and we show that the solutions of certain differential equation and integration problems are regular in this sense. By taking a geometric perspective on the Laplace and Borel transforms, we also clarify why “Borel regular” solutions are associated with special points on the Borel plane. The particular classes of problems we look at are level 1 ODEs and exponential period integrals over one dimensional Lefschetz thimbles. To expand the variety of examples available in the literature, we treat various examples of these problems in detail.


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编辑整理: wanghaisheng 更新日期:2024 年 7 月 9 日